We are shaped not by what we say, but what we do

Wipro’s Taiwan operations started in 1999 and since then we’ve been engaged with Tier 1 companies based here and actively contribute to growing their bottom line. We also partner with top government agencies and public higher education institutions to collaborate and contribute to their growth. Our focus on developing AI, IoT, Machine Learning, Autonomous Driving, and other emerging technologies, is intended to help propel forward the technological powerhouse that is Taiwan. Our workforce is 99% localized and boasts of 40% gender diversity.

Our experience, and engagements, with leading OEM / ODM companies here suggest that Taiwan will continue to contribute greatly in the high technology, manufacturing, and supply chain industries, in the years to come. With two delivery centers already in place, Wipro will play its part in shepherding local industries, and driving the development and growth of technology services in Taiwan.

Our clients recognize us for our ability to bring "an integrated perspective" with broad and deep technology and domain expertise, cross leverage learnings from one company, or sector, to another. Our ability to provide end-to-end capabilities, as well as our consistent excellence in execution, and ease of doing business makes us the partner of choice for many Taiwan based companies. The success of our partnerships is accelerated with our Digital first approach supported on the pillars of Business Transformation, Modernization, Connected Intelligence and Trust. Core to each of the pillars is our Big Bet program where we invest significantly to accelerate Digital, Cloud, Engineering, and Cybersecurity service offerings. To enable effective execution on our Strategy, a key focus area is building the right workforce. We are driving large scale workforce transformation programs with the objective of reskilling talent into new age technology areas coupled with soft skills development to promote Collaboration, Agility and to foster a mindset of Experimentation.

Our Presence

  • Started operations in 1999
  • 150+ employees
  • Localisation ~99%
  • Gender diversity ~40%
  • Registered office: Taipei
  • Client delivery centres: Xindian, Taoyuan

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